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Blackberry OS 10 update launched


Only a month has passed since the Blackberry OS 10 was launched with Z10 and the company has issued an update to the operating system. Company claims the update version to be in accordance with the feedback provided by the users of the new operating system and that the update is OTA (over the air) and available through most of the carriers.
The updates include:
3rd Party App Performance
The update allows 3rd party applications to run more smoothly, allowing the ability to test and check out apps by independent developers. Whatsapp will also benefit from the update when it will arrive in March.
The camera has been optimized to add new features like Time Shift Camera which allows you to take multiple screenshots at a time difference of a few milliseconds so that you can open the eyes of your friend who just happened to get them close at the time of taking the picture.
Phone, Calendar, and Contacts
A number of users had demanded a change in the importing contacts from online sources which are provided in the upgrade in addition to fixes in Gmail calendar and improvements in Blackberry Hub
Browser and Media
Video streaming online has been improved to provide a better viewing of the media.
Battery Life
A number of battery life saving optimizations have been done which will give the heavy users a significant change in the battery draining time.

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